Legislative Update: Kelly Myers

Legislative Update:

This was one of the best weeks I’ve had at the Statehouse. Hoosier gun owners will be well-served by the bills that were up in committee this week.

First off I must say I was honored to be part of the pro-2A team that assembled to support the legislation. Guy Relford (The 2A Project,) John Weber (NRA Lobbyist,) Christopher Lee (National Shooting Sports Foundation,) and I were there to testify in support.

Wednesday in the Judiciary Committee House Bill 1235 (Prohibited causes of action concerning firearms) passed out of committee on an 8-2 vote. This bill will put an end to the 25-year-old lawsuit by the City of Gary against firearm manufacturers and retailers. It will also protect the personally identifiable information on 400,000 ATF Form 4473s that are at risk due to this lawsuit.

Thursday in the Financial Institutions Committee House Bill 1084 (Privacy of firearms financial transactions) was up for hearing and testimony. This bill will receive a vote in committee next week, but look for another win here. This bill will prevent financial institutions from creating a registry using financial transactions.

Again, I can’t express how honored I was to be part of that pro-2A team.

Hopefully, all goes well and both bills pass the House and go to the Senate. Then we start the process over again.

In Liberty,

Kelly Myers
Government Affairs Co-Director

Kelly Meyers has recently taken on the role of Co-Director of Legislative Affairs with the ISRPA and works directly with ISRPA President, Charlie Hiltunen. Kelly has been involved in Gun Rights directly since 2017 by serving in numerous roles supporting the 2nd amendment. Go here to see Kelly’s full bio…