Mentor Watches Pupil’s Triumph from Home: Chris Jennings Shines at Junior Olympics

Mentor Watches Pupil’s Triumph from Home: Chris Jennings Shines at Junior Olympics

Mike Smith, Coach/Mentor watched with pride from his home as his former pupil, Chris Jennings, from Floyd County made a stunning debut on the national stage, clinching third place in the country at the Junior Olympics. Mike, a club junior rifle coach, had dedicated countless hours to training and mentoring young shooters. One of his most promising students, Chris, had shown exceptional talent and dedication.

Chris’s journey to the Junior Olympics was marked by perseverance and hard work…he consistently demonstrated his prowess and composure under pressure. His qualification for the Junior Olympics was a testament to his unwavering commitment and the hours and hours of practice. As the Junior Olympics commenced, the anticipation was palpable. Competing against the best shooters in the nation, Chris displayed remarkable precision and focus. Each shot brought him closer to the podium, culminating in a well-deserved third-place finish in both air rifle and smallbore. It was a moment of triumph not just for Chris, but also for his mentor who had believed in his potential from the start.

Watching the event unfold on his computer, Mike felt an immense sense of pride and fulfillment. “Seeing Chris compete and succeed at this level is incredibly rewarding,” Mike shared. “It’s moments like these that make all the hard work worthwhile. Chris has always had the talent, and today he proved it to the country.”

While Chris competed in the finals, I texted back and forth with his mom, Bonnie…we exchanged messages, sharing the tense moments and cheering for Chris through our screens. We discussed every point, and every reaction, feeling almost as if we were there in person. The live updates and our rapid-fire texts keep us connected, supporting Chris together, even from afar.

Looking ahead, Chris has a bright future in the sport…he currently is going into his junior year at the United States Military Academy at West Point where he has been on the rifle travel team since his freshman year. With his recent success at the Junior Olympics, he has set a solid foundation for a promising career. His performance has also inspired a new generation of young shooters at the Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club junior program, proving that with dedication and the right guidance, reaching the pinnacle of the sport is possible.

Your vote Matters – Kelly Myers

Your vote Matters – Kelly Myers

As I’m writing this, we are one month removed from the Indiana Primary Election. With that in mind I have one question, “Did you vote?”

Looking at the numbers there were a lot of people in Indiana who chose to sit out the 2024 Primary election. According to the, there are 4,709,250 registered voters in Indiana. That’s an estimated 91% of the adult population. 814,077 voted in the 2024 Primary, that is 17%.

If you live in Brown County, there’s a roughly 3 in 10 chance you voted (31% voter turnout, the HIGHEST in the State.) If you live in Lake, St Joseph, or Marion County, the chances are roughly 1 in 10 with an 11-12% turnout.


29% of the votes in the 2024 Primary were absentee votes. This includes both early voting and traditional mail-in absentee ballots.

Having spent over 21 years in the US Air Force, I voted absentee many times over the years. I voted in person once prior to joining the USAF, in 1984 and yes, I did vote for President Reagan (so did a lot of other people.) The next time I would vote in-person would be in a special election as a Florida resident, in 2001. I voted in every election in between and since. Over 40 years of voting (yes 1984 was 40 years ago) I lived in many places and did many different things. In all those elections there was one thing in common: I was a gun owner.

While I choose to vote at the polls on Election Day, we all need to make sure we get to the polls when we can. If you can vote early? Vote early. Are you over 65? You can vote with a traditional absentee ballot in Indiana. Any way you do it, make sure you vote.

As gun owners and supporters of the 2nd Amendment, we outnumber those who oppose the freedoms we enjoy. Our majority doesn’t count unless we show up and vote.

Kelly Myers
ISRPA Government Affairs Co-Director