Your vote Matters – Kelly Myers

Your vote Matters – Kelly Myers

As I’m writing this, we are one month removed from the Indiana Primary Election. With that in mind I have one question, “Did you vote?”

Looking at the numbers there were a lot of people in Indiana who chose to sit out the 2024 Primary election. According to the, there are 4,709,250 registered voters in Indiana. That’s an estimated 91% of the adult population. 814,077 voted in the 2024 Primary, that is 17%.

If you live in Brown County, there’s a roughly 3 in 10 chance you voted (31% voter turnout, the HIGHEST in the State.) If you live in Lake, St Joseph, or Marion County, the chances are roughly 1 in 10 with an 11-12% turnout.


29% of the votes in the 2024 Primary were absentee votes. This includes both early voting and traditional mail-in absentee ballots.

Having spent over 21 years in the US Air Force, I voted absentee many times over the years. I voted in person once prior to joining the USAF, in 1984 and yes, I did vote for President Reagan (so did a lot of other people.) The next time I would vote in-person would be in a special election as a Florida resident, in 2001. I voted in every election in between and since. Over 40 years of voting (yes 1984 was 40 years ago) I lived in many places and did many different things. In all those elections there was one thing in common: I was a gun owner.

While I choose to vote at the polls on Election Day, we all need to make sure we get to the polls when we can. If you can vote early? Vote early. Are you over 65? You can vote with a traditional absentee ballot in Indiana. Any way you do it, make sure you vote.

As gun owners and supporters of the 2nd Amendment, we outnumber those who oppose the freedoms we enjoy. Our majority doesn’t count unless we show up and vote.

Kelly Myers
ISRPA Government Affairs Co-Director

HB1235 signed by the Governor

HB1235 signed by the Governor

The 2024 Indiana General Assembly Legislative session has come and gone. While we never get every bill we support through the process, this was a very successful year for Hoosier gun owners.

Last week two very important (and hard-fought) bills were signed into law by Governor Holcomb.

One of these bills was House Bill 1235, Prohibited Causes of Action Concerning Firearms. This bill prohibits political subdivisions from filing nuisance lawsuits against firearms and ammunition manufacturers, dealers, sellers, and trade associations. HB 1235 would also put an end to a 25-year-old lawsuit in which the City of Gary is suing nearly every firearms manufacturer in a civil suit under Indiana’s public nuisance law. This lawsuit was putting the personal information on an estimated 400,000 ATF Form 4473s at risk and had to be stopped.

Another important bill that passed this year was House Bill 1084 Privacy of Firearms Financial Transactions. This bill bans the use of merchant category codes to identify firearms purchases as well banning creating registries of gun owners.

I’ve testified for a lot of bills in the last eight years. I’ve never been more concerned about what I found during my research for testimony, and I’ve never kept finding things that made me more concerned than with this bill.

I’m sure many of you remember the press release from US House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan concerning the use of terms like “MAGA” and “Trump” being used to track purchases using debit and credit cards. That was what made the news. That was the first paragraph of a five-page press release.

Keep an eye out for the Indiana Shooting Sports News. I go into detail on these bills going through the legislative process, as well as those who were there in the committee hearings testifying in support of this vital legislation. There will also be two other bills reviewed that didn’t have the fight involved with 1235 and 1084, but were still wins for Hoosier gun owners.

Kelly Myers
Government Affairs Co-Director
Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association

Kelly Myers on The Gun Guy

Kelly Myers on The Gun Guy

Listen in as ISRPA Legislative C-Director Kelly Myers calls into the The Gun Guy Radio Show on WIBC on Saturday, March 2nd. Guy discusses several bills that are entering the final process as the Legislature enters the final week. Kelly joins Guy at the 57-minute mark of the broadcast.


IN Senate Committees Pass Pro-Gun Bills as 2024 Session Enters 4th Quarter

IN Senate Committees Pass Pro-Gun Bills as 2024 Session Enters 4th Quarter

UPDATE 2-26-2024 2230: HB 1235 is up for 3rd reading TOMORROW 27 Feb. 2024! Based on votes on the two failed amendments I expect there will be resistance on 3rd reading. CONTACT YOUR SENATOR ASAP and urge him/her to support HB 1235! 

We are about to start the 4th quarter of the 2024 Indiana General Assembly Legislative Session. Two Bills we’ve focused on- HB 1084 Privacy of Firearms Financial Transactions and HB 1235 Prohibited Causes of Actions Concerning Firearms– made it out of their respective committees this week and are headed to the Senate floor. THANK YOU to all of our members that took the time to contact your Representatives and Senators- your diligence has paid off! But we’re not there yet! This is a great time to step back and take a look at the “big picture”.

Since the is a “non-budget year” (Indiana’s State budget is passed every-other year on odd years) this is a “short session”. Things moved really fast in the 1st half and even faster so far in the 2nd half.

A bill which didn’t receive a lot of notoriety was House Bill (HB) 1143, Disposal of Firearms via Trade for New Equipment. HB 1143 definitely got my attention when it passed the House 83-14 with 16 Democrats voting in-favor. This bill gives law enforcement agencies more options with firearms that would go to public auction. In addition to auction, these firearms can be traded for new equipment or ammunition with other law enforcement agencies, federal firearms licensees, or licensed firearms manufacturers.

I was at the Statehouse to support another bill in the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee and saw the opportunity to testify in support of HB 1143. More options lead to a better use of resources. A better use of resources leads to paying less in taxes. On 20 February HB 1143 passed the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee on a 6-2 vote. On 22 February it passed 2nd reading in the Senate with no amendments and will now upon 3rd reading have a vote in the full Senate.

Also on 20 February in the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee for a hearing was HB 1235 Prohibited Causes of Actions Concerning Firearms. This bill prohibits political subdivisions from suing the gun industry and will end the 24+ year old lawsuit known as the City of Gary v Glock. This bill had passed the House on a near-party-line vote.

I had predicted in legislative alert emails that this one would be a fight. While my predictions aren’t always accurate, I was right this time. Along with the usual suspects in opposition was the lead-attorney for the Brady Campaign (formerly known as Handgun Control Inc.) A great Team from the Pro-2A side included: Guy Relford from The 2A Project, John Weber from NRA-ILA, Christopher Lee from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Constitutional Attorney Jim Bopp Jr. from Terre Haute, and myself representing the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association. We also had a few citizens representing themselves in support of HB 1235. THANK YOU to all who supported this effort!

HB 1235 passed out of committee on a 5-3 vote (not a party line vote, we had one Republication side with the Democrats.) Look for more legislative action alert emails on this one, the fight isn’t over.

On 21 February in the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions heard HB 1084 Privacy of Firearms Financial Transactions. This bill prohibits developing a registry of guns and gun owners through tracking financial transactions and merchant category codes. HB 1084 passed the House 73-22 with six Democrats voting in favor.

After the previous day’s fight with HB 1235, this day went much better. While the red-shirted Moms Demanding Action filled the front row of the hearing room, only one of them spoke in opposition. In support of HB 1084 was once again Guy Relford from The 2A Project, John Weber from NRA-ILA, myself representing the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association and a few private citizens who recognized the importance of this legislation. HB 1084 passed out of the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions on a 6-2 vote.

We are in the 4th Quarter of the legislative session but there is a lot of game yet to be played. Look for Legislative Action Alerts supporting both HB 1084 and HB 1235. Opportunities to let your State Senator know the gun owners of Indiana are paying attention will be coming soon.

In Liberty,

Kelly Myers
ISRPA Government Affairs Co-Director



HB 1235 (Prohibited causes of action concerning firearms) is up for a hearing in the Senate **Tuesday February 20 at 0830 **.

HB 1084 (Privacy of firearms transactions (prohibits use of credit card codes for gun store purchases) is set for a hearing  in the Senate Wednesday morning, February 21.

Both will be 
in Room 130 at the Indiana Statehouse

CONTACT YOUR SENATOR and let him or her know you support these important bills.

And if you can, come to the Statehouse to show your support.
 Room 130 is on the 1st floor (basement) of the Statehouse, so just take the elevator to Floor 1 and you’ll be able to locate the conference room.

HB 1235 prohibits political subdivisions (any government entity below Indiana State-level) from filing nuisance lawsuits against firearms and ammunition manufacturers, dealers, sellers, and trade associations. 
HB 1235 would also put an end to a 25 year old lawsuit (Gary v Glock) that is currently putting the personal information on an estimated 400,000 ATF Form 4473s at risk.

Read more about these bills below.  Then contact your Senator! The “find your legislator” button is in the upper-right on the Indiana General Assembly website.  


Here is a sample letter to your Senator supporting HB 1235.

In Liberty,

Kelly MyersCo-Director, Government Affairs



NRA members and Second Amendment supporters, House Bill 1235 passed out of the Indiana House Judiciary Committee on an 8-2 vote. Please contact your State Representatives and ask them to SUPPORT House Bill 1235 by clicking the “Take Action” button below today!

House Bill 1235 does the following:

Prohibits local governments from lodging frivolous lawsuits against firearm manufacturers.
Please forward this NRA-ILA Alert to your friends and family and encourage them to also contact their State Representatives to ask them to SUPPORT House Bill 1235 today!

2024 Indiana General Assembly Opens For Business Next Week

2024 Indiana General Assembly Opens For Business Next Week

The Indiana General Assembly kicks off the 2024 Legislative Session next week, November 21. Although a short Session, we will see many Bills impacting our 2A Rights. ISRPA will be working hand-in-hand with the NRA and NSSF on several pieces of legislation, including Bills to counter financial institutions discrimination against individuals and businesses exercising their Constitutional Freedoms by banning their ability to process credit cards and other financial transactions essential in functioning in today’s society. These financial institutions have taken an approach directly out of the Chinese Communist Party Playbook to cancel citizens from participating in society and business if they don’t adhere to strict far-left standards.

Other pieces of legislation that are expected include:

    • Prohibiting firearms at polling places
    • Penalties for failure to report lost or stolen firearms
    • Raising the minimum age required to carry a handgun
    • Penalties for privately-made firearms
    • Making it harder for a person convicted of domestic battery to own a firearm
    • Raising the age to buy “assault weapons”
    • Protecting the Second Amendment:
      • Making federal laws, executive orders or administrative orders that infringe on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms unenforceable in Indiana.
      • Providing state income tax credits for firearm safety
      • Letting law enforcement trade confiscated firearms
      • Penalizing people who fail to safely store firearms at home
      • Keeping firearms locked and unloaded
      • Requiring liability insurance to carry a handgun

President Biden’s New Office of Gun Violence

President Biden’s New Office of Gun Violence

This is Katie Pointer Baney, chairman and executive director of the USCCA-FSL Action Fund. I wanted to reach out to you today to break down the new office of “Gun Violence Prevention” and what it means for gun owners like you.

The current administration has made it clear that the purpose of this new office will be to advance the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which has highly problematic provisions like working to increase universal background checks and enact red flag laws in states.

This is the first-ever White House office solely focused on limiting your Second Amendment rights under the guise of “gun violence prevention.” I want to be clear: More federal bureaucracy or gun control legislation will do nothing to keep communities safer.

In his announcement, President Biden stated that Vice President Kamala Harris would be in charge of overseeing this effort.

We wanted to give YOU the exclusive opportunity to contact her directly and let her know what you feel the Office of “Gun Violence Prevention” should do. That’s why we need you to send a letter to Vice President Harris telling her EXACTLY what you feel this new office should be about:

✅ Support Firearms Training & Education

✅ Support National Concealed Carry Reciprocity

✅ Protect American Gun Owners Constitutional Rights

This is your chance. Send Vice President Harris a letter TODAY →


The best way to prevent violent crime in this country is by affirming our citizens fundamental right to self defense, empowering them with tools to defend themselves and their loved ones. Everyone is safer when a responsible gun owner is carrying and able to stop a violent criminal in their tracks.

Right now, more Americans than ever before in our history are choosing to responsibly arm themselves.

We want to flood Vice President Harris’ inbox with millions of letters from responsible American gun owners like you. Make sure you send a letter here.

Thank you,

Katie Pointer Baney
Executive Director and Chairman of the Board


Your Help Urgently Needed! Comment Period Open on Biden’s Illegal Background Check Rulemaking

Your Help Urgently Needed! Comment Period Open on Biden’s Illegal Background Check Rulemaking

Source: NRA Explore | Repost ISRPA 9/11/2023 –

Your help is urgently needed, as the official comment period on ATF’s rulemaking, “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms,” began on Friday, September 8. Comments on the rule will be accepted for 90 days, until December 7, 2023. The more comments ATF receives exposing the flaws, false premises, and overreaching nature of the rule, the more ATF will have to answer for if the agency persists in this ill-conceived effort. While it might be true that no amount of well-reasoned opposition will cause the Biden Administration to discontinue its persecution of gun-owning America, thoughtful comments exposing the proposal’s true nature may embarrass ATF into rewriting some of its worst provisions. And if that doesn’t happen, judges will be on notice that ATF was warned of the proposal’s problems when the final rule is, inevitably, challenged in court.

The easiest and most effective way to comment on the proposal is through the online portal at Comments can also be mailed to Helen Koppe, Mail Stop 6N–518, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Enforcement Programs and Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20226; ATTN: ATF 2022R–17. In either case, be sure to reference docket number ATF 2022R–17 to identify the rulemaking on which you are commenting.

Read the full article…

Indianapolis City Council Attempts to Enact Gun Control

Indianapolis City Council Attempts to Enact Gun Control


From NRA-ILA:  What is a usually quiet time in the State with regard to public policy, as the legislature has adjourned until next year, has turned into a perilous summer for our Constitutional Rights and safety of Hoosiers. The Mayor of Indianapolis, Joe Hogsett, and City Council Members are showing a total and reckless disregard for the US Constitution and State Law in order to create a smokescreen for their public safety incompetencies that have created the violent mayhem in Indianapolis.

With a Procecutor that turns violent criminals back out on the street, a Mayor who brushes off riots in the streets as merely “a reckoning” and after Indianapolis businesses leave downtown after years of unanswered pleas to enforce our existing laws and clean up the streets, the Mayor has put forth a toothless, unenforceable, and unconstitutional proposal to cover up his failures before the upcoming election this fall.

They have proposed a “ smokescreen” ordinance, which unanimously passed the City Council Public Safety Committee and will receive a vote by the entire City Council on July 10th.


The ordinance raises the age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21, ends constitutional carry, and bans many common semi-automatic firearms. In 2011, NRA worked with the General Assembly to pass a preemption law preventing localities from passing and enforcing gun control. The council has admitted that this proposal cannot take effect as long as preemption is still the law in Indiana.
It is interesting to note that proponents for the ordinance continue their spectacularly insincere diatribe of spewing that their efforts are not an attempt to limit the rights of law-abiding gun owners and that they are not against you or your guns……I call their callous attempts to placate law-abiding Hoosiers B.S.

Note: Although this is an Indianapolis City Ordinance, EVERYONE should call their city and county leaders to make sure that this BS does not happen in their City. We have seen anti 2A letters and proposals come out of Fort Wayne (Mayor Henry) and Carmel (Mayor Brainard and some City Council members). and we need to nip this issue off at the bud!