Make Your Vote Count. Make A Difference! NRA 2.0

Make Your Vote Count. Make A Difference! NRA 2.0

As gun owners and advocates for the 2nd Amendment (2A,) we must always be prepared to take action defending the essential right to keep and bear arms. As members of the Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association (ISRPA) we are also members of the State-affiliate of the National Rifle Association.

The NRA has undergone challenges for several years. It was unfortunate that Indiana was at the center of the turmoil at the very beginning during the 2019 NRA Annual Meeting of Members in Indianapolis. Over the next several years the NRA’s challenges came from within with a struggle to change leadership and the State where it is incorporated. Challenges also came from the outside, State-funded lawsuits against the NRA and the New York State government coercing banks in insurance companies to not do business with the NRA. Years later, the NRA won a unanimous Supreme Court decision over the New York government (NRA v. Vulo 2024.)

NRA 2.0 (moving on from the NRA of the past to a new version) is a phrase coined by the new NRA CEO and Executive Vice-President Doug Hamlin. As with any large corporation, the CEO is responsible for operations, the board of directors provides oversight. Without reform-minded board members, NRA 2.0 would not exist. As advocates of the 2A, we all know the importance of a strong and influential NRA.

Our ISRPA President is Charlie Hiltunen. Charlie has also been a member of the NRA Board of Directors for the past three years. During that time, he has been a leader for reform and allowing NRA 2.0 to exist. Working behind the scenes with like-minded board members (and those who would become reformers) brought about new leadership at the NRA. Unfortunately, vestiges of “the old guard” still exist, as he would find out with the nominations for board of directors’ candidates.

While there is a new CEO and Board President, the old guard (loyal to the previous leadership) is alive and well in the nominating committee. A significant number of reformers (including a former NRA Board of Directors Vice President) were left off the ballot by the nominating committee. This left nominating by petition (an extremely antiquated method that has never been updated, possibly since the NRA came to be during the Ulysses S. Grant Administration) as the only option. Charlie Hiltunen was not deterred by this daunting task.

Charlie took the case for the reformers to the Great State of Indiana and the ISRPA membership (many also being NRA members) to fill out petitions and nominate the reform candidates. Not only will most of the reformers be on the ballot soon (next NRA magazine will have the ballots,) but the NRA/ISRPA members from the Great State of Indiana alone provided enough signatures to get the reformers on the ballot. That says a lot!

Having served on the NRA Board for three years, Charlie Hiltunen is on the ballot as well. In the numerous conversations I’ve had with him, at some point the discussion always turns to the NRA. Getting the right people in place to make a difference, as well as returning the NRA to the core missions of marksmanship, safety and training, and supporting the 2A is why Charlie ran for the NRA Board three years ago.

As the ISRPA Co-Director of Government Affairs, I can tell you it never hurts to have someone on the team who can pick up the phone and contact NRA Institute for Legislative Action Director if needed.

When you get your ballot in the next NRA magazine, look for these candidates:

(current board members/reformers)

Ø Al Hammond

Ø Charles Hiltunen

Ø Todd Ellis

Ø Jim Wallace

Ø Jim Porter

Ø Anthony Colandro

Ø Cathy Wright

Ø Mitzy McCorvey

Ø Mitzy McCorvey

Ø Phillip Gray

Ø Willis Lee

(New reform candidates)

Ø Paul Babaz

Ø Charles Brown (Write-in Candidate)

Ø Anthony Colandro

Ø Robert Emslie

Ø Richard Fairburn

Ø Richard Figard

Ø James Fortis

Ø Jonathan Goldstein

Ø Jack Hagan

Ø Teresa Inacker

Ø Howard Massingill

Ø David Mitten

Ø John Richardson

Ø James Sheckels

Ø Regis Synan

Ø Frank Tait

Ø Todd Vandermyde

Ø Knox Williams

Ø Jason Wilson

An incredibly low percentage of voting-eligible NRA members (Life members plus non-Life members who have been in the NRA for at least 5 years) actually turn in the ballot. In 2023 just under 3% of the eligible voters chose 25 board members. With numbers like that, your vote really can make a difference. Putting Charlie Hiltunen back on the NRA Board of Directors along with a solid majority of reform candidates will keep the NRA moving in the right direction.

Make Your Vote Count Here!

THE NRA New York Attorney General Case Is Finally Over!

THE NRA New York Attorney General Case Is Finally Over!

Last week was a good week for the NRA. The case brought against NRA by the New York Attorney General has just concluded. The attorney general called our proud association–comprised of millions of law-abiding Americans – a “terrorist organization” before she even took office. The objective was to have this 153-year-old American institution dissolved. She wanted the court to install a monitor to oversee our operations. None of that happened.

A jury trial earlier this year awarded financial penalties for some of NRA’s previous executives. That money will be coming back directly to the NRA to support our mission and programs.

That was followed by a bench trial. The final decision from New York Supreme Court Justice Joel Cohen was handed down last week, and in it the court ordered actions that were already in place or in process, plus some others that will be implemented by NRA leadership and board of directors.

The last six years have been difficult for NRA members, the Board of Directors, supporters, and especially the NRA staff. With Judge Cohen’s ruling, the NRA and new leadership can now put this challenging chapter in NRA history behind us and focus solely on the business of the members and all law-abiding gun owners. The NRA is committed to transparency, compliance, and good governance going forward. Last week’s outcome ensures that NRA members can support the Association, America’s oldest civil rights organization, with confidence.

God bless America, and long live the NRA!

(Paraphrased and updated based upon NRA EVP/CEO, Doug Hamlin’s Report to the staff of the National Rifle Association of America)

Charlie Hiltunen
ISRPA President & NRA Board Member 

The Battle is Won, But the War is Far from Over

The Battle is Won, But the War is Far from Over

At the National Level, Republicans won the Presidency and both the House & Senate by slim margins…We know that we have a safe Administration, but they will have a lot of house cleaning to do. Legislatively, although held by mostly 2A Representatives and Senators, there are enough in both Houses of Congress that will have to be reinforced, educated, and worked with to become stronger supporters to ensure that a small group of weak-kneed legislators don’t cave in to the dark side in the heat of battle.

In the Hoosier State, we elected a GREAT new Governor, who is a dedicated outdoorsman, conservationist, sportsman, and hunting enthusiast. He raises incredible hunting Beagles and shares his passion for Dove, Rabbit, and mushroom hunting with his many Hoosier Friends.  We also elected strong supermajorities that have proven their dedication to the Second Amendment and deliver time and time again.

With the support that we have at the State & local level, maybe it is time to take a break and celebrate. NOT A CHANCE!!!  We have won crucial battles, however, “the dark side” has already repositioned its troops for the next battle in the war to preserve our liberties and rich heritage.

At the national level, our Civil Rights are under siege. The attack is multi-dimensional through the use of lawfare, persecution, and political strong-arming. We are now beginning to see those insidious efforts seep into our State and local battlefields.  In Indiana, we are seeing a well-funded effort, utilizing a big, politically influential law firm focused upon shutting down our shooting ranges. They are leveraging a loophole in our State Preemption law by utilizing local zoning ordinances and enforcement as a mechanism to attack shooting ranges and facilities lawfully engaged in the business of firearms.  For instance, the Floyd County Board of Zoning Appeals, along with a hostile County Commissioner, are trying to force the Sporting Club at the Farm and owner, Bobby Brooks, out of business. This is part of their first wave of attacks that ISRPA will have to defend and respond through grassroots and legislative efforts. But this is just the beginning.

This year has demonstrated clear evidence of why it is imperative to engage and grow the ISRPA.  The war waged against our Rights has moved to the State level, calling for an increased need for grass-roots representation to support and promote our Second Amendment liberties…even with a super majority Republican Legislature.  Based upon NRA 2.0, and renewed efforts to refocus on clubs & associations, ISRPA will also have to step up to the plate and fortify the National efforts as there will be a focus upon getting back to the basics and building up our Second Amendment defenses from the ground up.


National Rifle Association to Celebrate National Shooting Sports Month

National Rifle Association to Celebrate National Shooting Sports Month

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) announced its involvement in National Shooting Sports Month, in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). Created to encourage participation in the shooting sports and emphasize firearms safety, National Shooting Sports Month will take place throughout the month of August.

“We are truly excited to see NSSF promoting National Shooting Sports Month,” said Elizabeth Bush, Deputy Executive Director, NRA General Operations. “This is the perfect incentive for NRA Clubs, Business Alliance members, and NRA Instructors to introduce someone new to the shooting sports.”

The NRA encourages all NRA Clubs and Business Alliance members to join the celebration! Simply sign on as a participating/host club while also encouraging your members and customers to head to the range, introduce someone new, or try a new sport.

“Last year’s National Shooting Sports Month was a tremendous success, thanks to hundreds of ranges and retailers across the country reminding people about the fun and excitement of target shooting,” said Zach Snow, NSSF Director, Member Development. “We’re thrilled to have NRA join in continuing the celebration of the shooting sports this year.”

Be sure to “Like” NSSF’s Facebook page to see how others across the country are celebrating this special event. NRA and NSSF encourage you to share your National Shooting Sports Month experience on social media and to use the hashtag #LetsGoShooting. Visit to learn more.

Join the World Shooting Championship Staff

Join the World Shooting Championship Staff

World Shooting Championship staff will be responsible for helping to set up and tear down the match as well as run the match for our other competitors. All staff will receive room and board while supporting the match. They will also be allowed to compete for prize table only prior to the listed match dates.

Submit your application so you can have the chance to support a great match and show off your skills!

National Review Wrong on ATF Frame or Receiver Rule

National Review Wrong on ATF Frame or Receiver Rule

Source NRS | Repost ISRPA 8/22/2023 – 

Political observers expect the Washington Post and the New York Times to carry water for Joe Biden’s Department of Justice gun control agenda. It’s surprising when the conservative National Review seemingly bends over backwards to defend the weaponized agency in a poorly researched and written piece.

On August 9, National Review published an item with the confident title “Yes, the ATF Can Legally Regulate Ghost Guns.” The ill-informed piece was written by a summer intern. If it was an unpaid internship, the publication got every penny’s worth.

At issue is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives rule 2021R-05, concerning the “Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms.” Published April 26, 2022, the rule, in part, contends that ATF has the statutory authority to regulate so-called unfinished or 80-percent frames or receivers. As firearms built from unregulated parts for personal use do not require markings and are not subject to federal recordkeeping, gun control advocates refer to firearms constructed using unfinished frames or receivers as “ghost guns” to spook the ignorant.

Federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3), defines “firearm” for the purposes of the Gun Control Act (GCA) as follows:

(3) The term “firearm” means (A) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or (D) any destructive device. Such term does not include an antique firearm.

Learn more…

MidwayUSA Named Official Sponsor of 2023 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association is pleased to announce MidwayUSA as the official sponsor of its 2023 Annual Meetings & Exhibits to be held in Indianapolis April 14-16.

“MidwayUSA, and our customers, have been longstanding supporters of the National Rifle Association, the foremost protector of our Second Amendment rights,” said Matt Fleming, president and CEO of MidwayUSA. “We’re pleased to continue our support of the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits and look forward to joining our customers at this great event in Indianapolis!”

The 152nd Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be held at the Indiana Convention Center. Thousands of dues-paying members and many more law-abiding Americans will gather for the family-friendly event featuring a bigger-than-ever exhibit hall boasting approximately 800 exhibitors, events, receptions and demonstrations. Attendees will get a look at the latest guns, knives, optics, ammo and accessories available on the market today. They can also book the hunt of a lifetime, purchase shooting and hunting accessories, view priceless gun collections and hear some of the most influential, pro-2A experts in the nation.

“Year after year, and decade after decade, the Potterfields have consistently demonstrated their commitment to the Second Amendment, the shooting sports, and the National Rifle Association. We are proud to partner again with MidwayUSA in our celebration of rights and freedoms at the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Indianapolis,” said Wayne LaPierre, CEO and executive vice president of the NRA. “Indeed, Larry and Brenda are true allies in our battle to defend the Second Amendment and the NRA is honored and grateful for their continued support.”

The NRA’s 2023 Annual Meetings & Exhibits officially opens at 2:00 pm on April 14.


About MidwayUSA
Both country kids from Missouri, Larry and Brenda Potterfield turned their passion for shooting sports into a career by opening a small gun shop in 1977 that would eventually become MidwayUSA ( They instilled family values like honesty, integrity and respect for others into the business, and strive to maintain this culture with each Employee added to their growing team. For 45 years, MidwayUSA has maintained an unyielding focus on Customer Satisfaction and continues to offer JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING® for Shooting, Hunting and the Outdoors.

About the National Rifle Association
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Almost five million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and is the leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit