UPDATE ON HB 1077 (“Constitutional Carry”)

From ISRPA President Charlie Hiltunen 11 January 2022 2:45pm:

From ISRPA President Charlie Hiltunen 11 January 2022 2:45pm:  

HB 1077, Constitutional Carry, just passed the House By a vote of 63-29.  

The Bill now moves to the Senate, sponsored by Senators Eric Koch and Jim Tomes…. Now it is time to call your State Senator to vote yes, but most importantly, to ask the President Pro Tem , Rod Bray to send the Bill to the Senate Criminal Law Committee, where Chairman Mike Young pledged to give the Bill a hearing and vote.

Please call your Representative and ask them to vote YES on HB 1077!

Legislative Alert – Constitutional Carry

HB 1077, the Indiana Constitutional Carry Bill, was filed in the legislature for the 2022 session and has already been set for a hearing in the Public Policy Committee TOMORROW, Wednesday, January 5 at 1:30 pm in Room 404 of the Statehouse. ISRPA Members are encouraged to attend as your support makes a difference. (Note: we usually receive at least a little more notice regarding Bill hearings, but this is a special circumstance and it is important to let everyone know)
HB1077 is authored by Rep. Ben Smaltz (chairman of the Public Policy Committee) and Rep. Matt Lehman; it will be one of the very first bills of the 2022 Session to move and should create positive momentum for the issue.
Senator Tomes, along with Senators Brown and Doriot have filed the Senate version of Constitutional Carry and we should hear soon regarding the hearing status.
The legislature began its work today and we will see a number of new bills impacting the 2A, hunting, and shooting sports; ISRPA will send out a comprehensive bill track for members each Friday throughout the legislative session.
Charlie Hiltunen, President Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association