IN Senate Committees Pass Pro-Gun Bills as 2024 Session Enters 4th Quarter
UPDATE 2-26-2024 2230: HB 1235 is up for 3rd reading TOMORROW 27 Feb. 2024! Based on votes on the two failed amendments I expect there will be resistance on 3rd reading. CONTACT YOUR SENATOR ASAP and urge him/her to support HB 1235!
We are about to start the 4th quarter of the 2024 Indiana General Assembly Legislative Session. Two Bills we’ve focused on- HB 1084 Privacy of Firearms Financial Transactions and HB 1235 Prohibited Causes of Actions Concerning Firearms– made it out of their respective committees this week and are headed to the Senate floor. THANK YOU to all of our members that took the time to contact your Representatives and Senators- your diligence has paid off! But we’re not there yet! This is a great time to step back and take a look at the “big picture”.
Since the is a “non-budget year” (Indiana’s State budget is passed every-other year on odd years) this is a “short session”. Things moved really fast in the 1st half and even faster so far in the 2nd half.
A bill which didn’t receive a lot of notoriety was House Bill (HB) 1143, Disposal of Firearms via Trade for New Equipment. HB 1143 definitely got my attention when it passed the House 83-14 with 16 Democrats voting in-favor. This bill gives law enforcement agencies more options with firearms that would go to public auction. In addition to auction, these firearms can be traded for new equipment or ammunition with other law enforcement agencies, federal firearms licensees, or licensed firearms manufacturers.
I was at the Statehouse to support another bill in the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee and saw the opportunity to testify in support of HB 1143. More options lead to a better use of resources. A better use of resources leads to paying less in taxes. On 20 February HB 1143 passed the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee on a 6-2 vote. On 22 February it passed 2nd reading in the Senate with no amendments and will now upon 3rd reading have a vote in the full Senate.
Also on 20 February in the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee for a hearing was HB 1235 Prohibited Causes of Actions Concerning Firearms. This bill prohibits political subdivisions from suing the gun industry and will end the 24+ year old lawsuit known as the City of Gary v Glock. This bill had passed the House on a near-party-line vote.
I had predicted in legislative alert emails that this one would be a fight. While my predictions aren’t always accurate, I was right this time. Along with the usual suspects in opposition was the lead-attorney for the Brady Campaign (formerly known as Handgun Control Inc.) A great Team from the Pro-2A side included: Guy Relford from The 2A Project, John Weber from NRA-ILA, Christopher Lee from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Constitutional Attorney Jim Bopp Jr. from Terre Haute, and myself representing the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association. We also had a few citizens representing themselves in support of HB 1235. THANK YOU to all who supported this effort!
HB 1235 passed out of committee on a 5-3 vote (not a party line vote, we had one Republication side with the Democrats.) Look for more legislative action alert emails on this one, the fight isn’t over.
On 21 February in the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions heard HB 1084 Privacy of Firearms Financial Transactions. This bill prohibits developing a registry of guns and gun owners through tracking financial transactions and merchant category codes. HB 1084 passed the House 73-22 with six Democrats voting in favor.
After the previous day’s fight with HB 1235, this day went much better. While the red-shirted Moms Demanding Action filled the front row of the hearing room, only one of them spoke in opposition. In support of HB 1084 was once again Guy Relford from The 2A Project, John Weber from NRA-ILA, myself representing the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association and a few private citizens who recognized the importance of this legislation. HB 1084 passed out of the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions on a 6-2 vote.
We are in the 4th Quarter of the legislative session but there is a lot of game yet to be played. Look for Legislative Action Alerts supporting both HB 1084 and HB 1235. Opportunities to let your State Senator know the gun owners of Indiana are paying attention will be coming soon.
In Liberty,
Kelly Myers
ISRPA Government Affairs Co-Director
Here are the dates for NMLRA events at Friendship
April 19, 20, & 21 Pistol Match
April 26, 27, & 28 Women’s Weekend
May 17,18,& 19 Pistol Match
June 8 thru 16 NMLRA Spring Championships
August 19, 20, & 21 Pistol Match
September 14 thru 22 NMLRA National Championships
For Information Contact Russ Combs at (317-694-4624 or
News from Northern Indiana
There is a brand new junior air rifle team developing in Middlebury, Indiana. Their home base is American Legion Post 210.
The Legion Post has a Facebook page where photos of early practices or meetings can be viewed.
The team is led by two Life Members of the NRA and the Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association. The Coach, Paul Gittinger, and the assistant Coach Paul Carlson are also members of Post 210.
Both coaches are NRA Level 1 Rifle Coaches. They both have extensive shooting experience in several disciplines. The Post Commander also plans on taking the Level 1 Rifle course as soon as it is available.
At the first meeting, there were 8 juniors in attendance along with their parents. Within the next two weeks, 10 juniors were practicing with the team. They all seem to be enthused about learning a new skill. Among the members, there are 3 sets of siblings. And most recently, two new junior athletes joined the team last evening to make a total of 12.
At the 3rd meeting those athletes in attendance chose a name for their team. They will be known as the Middlebury Legion X-Ringers.
The team is focused on learning safe gun handling in the 3 positions of air rifle competition. We are working on the prone position. At the third meeting, after considerable safety training the juniors made 3 shots on a target at 10 meters off a table. Here is that target:
Not too bad for brand-new junior athletes.
The ages of the athletes range from 9 years to 15 years.
As a new team, we need just about everything. We do have 4 Crosman Challenger PCP rifles derived from a grant. We have borrowed 8 older model Challenger PCP rifles from our friends at the X-Count. We do have some target holders, backers and a curtain for the indoor range plus some shooting mats. But we need everything else to outfit the team. We have at least one father thinking about buying a rifle from CMP for his athlete.
Fundraisers are the forte of the Post Commander. So we plan on raising funds soon for our needs. Any help form the wider shooting community would be very helpful and appreciated.
We have affiliations to make and organizing to do too.
With a little more work we may see you all on the range soon.
Submitted by Paul E. Carlson
ISRPA Life Member and Member of the Board of Directors
HB 1235 (Prohibited causes of action concerning firearms) is up for a hearing in the Senate **Tuesday February 20 at 0830 **.
HB 1084 (Privacy of firearms transactions (prohibits use of credit card codes for gun store purchases) is set for a hearing in the Senate Wednesday morning, February 21.
Both will be in Room 130 at the Indiana Statehouse
CONTACT YOUR SENATOR and let him or her know you support these important bills.
And if you can, come to the Statehouse to show your support. Room 130 is on the 1st floor (basement) of the Statehouse, so just take the elevator to Floor 1 and you’ll be able to locate the conference room.
HB 1235 prohibits political subdivisions (any government entity below Indiana State-level) from filing nuisance lawsuits against firearms and ammunition manufacturers, dealers, sellers, and trade associations. HB 1235 would also put an end to a 25 year old lawsuit (Gary v Glock) that is currently putting the personal information on an estimated 400,000 ATF Form 4473s at risk.
Read more about these bills below. Then contact your Senator! The “find your legislator” button is in the upper-right on the Indiana General Assembly website.
Here is a sample letter to your Senator supporting HB 1235.
In Liberty,
Kelly Myers
Co-Director, Government Affairs
“Halftime Report” for the 2024 Session of the Indiana General Assembly
The first half of the 2024 Indiana General Assembly Legislative session is in the books and it was very good for those of us who support our 2nd Amendment Rights. While not all of the bills we’d like to see made it out of committee, we have two very solid bills that passed the House and are awaiting committee assignment in the Senate.
Although it wasn’t voted on in committee, Senate Bill 28 (Discriminatory Financial Services Practices) exposed the corrosive effects of social credit scores. During the committee hearing testimony, there was a significant number of freedom-loving Hoosiers representing themselves and exercising their 1st Amendment Rights. THANK YOU to all who showed up to support this important legislation! All is not lost- look for parts of Senate Bill 28 to be amended into House Bill 1084.
House Bill 1084 (Privacy of Firearms Financial Transactions) passed the House 73-22 (16 Democrats voted in favor of this bill!) Look for it to be assigned to the Insurance and Financial Institutions Committee in the Senate. While it looks like smooth sailing we can take nothing for granted at the Indiana Statehouse.
House Bill 1235 (Prohibited Causes of Actions Concerning Firearms; this bill will end the 25-year-old lawsuit known as City of Gary v Glock and protect the personal information on 400,000 ATF Form 4473s) passed out of the House 68-27. I personally look for this one to be a fight in the Senate. It will most likely be assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee Chaired by Senator Liz Brown (who the NRA Political Victory Fund gave a D-grade.) Along with myself representing the ISRPA, John Weber from the NRA-ILA, Christopher Lee from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Guy Relford from The 2A Project will be testifying in committee supporting this bill. I am proud to be part of that team supporting the 2nd Amendment.
Look for chances to support these bills in the near future: we will keep you informed! I’ve already seen an email blast from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action supporting both House Bills 1084 and 1235.
In Liberty,
Kelly Myers
Co-Director, Government Affairs
Indiana: Two Pro-Gun Bills Pass in House, Advance to Senate

The Indiana House of Representatives passed House Bill 1084, The Second Amendment Privacy Act. This legislation will prohibit the use of firearm-related Merchant Category Codes, which could be used to track gun owners and create a registry of lawful purchases. HB 1084 now goes to the Senate where it will receive a committee assignment. Please contact your state Senator and tell them to support HB 1084.
In September 2022, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) approved a Merchant Category Code (MCC) for firearm retailers. Since the ISO’s decision, NRA-ILA has worked to alert financial industry stakeholders to gun owners’ concerns, and urged state lawmakers and attorneys general to address this matter. To date, several states and their attorneys general have taken important steps to protect Americans’ Second Amendment rights and privacy. In the first half of 2023, several states enacted legislation prohibiting or discouraging use of the firearm retailer MCC. HB 1084 will protect gun owner data relating to payment card transactions involving firearms and ammunition retailers.
Additionally, the Indiana House of Representatives passed House Bill 1235. This legislation will make Indiana law consistent with other states by prohibiting local governments from lodging frivolous lawsuits against firearm manufacturers. For years cities like Gary, Indiana have sued firearm manufacturers for the unlawful misuse of their products by criminals. In response, more than 35 states and Congress have passed laws to protect the firearm industry from these politically driven lawsuits. HB 1235 will give firearm manufacturers in Indiana these same protections. This bill now goes to the Senate where it will receive a committee assignment. Please contact your state Senator and tell them to support HB 1235.
NRA-ILA is actively working to pass this legislation and will keep you informed as it moves through the legislative process.
Legislative Update: Kelly Myers – SB 28 Discriminatory Financial Services Practices
SB 28 Discriminatory financial services practices (authored by Jim Tomes) is up for a hearing on Wednesday 31 January, 0830, Room 130 in the Insurance and Financial Institutions Committee. It is very similar to HB 1084, but broader in scope.
Below is a draft email I also posted on Indiana Gun Owners.
Email blast, blog post, shout it from the roof-tops, whatever it takes to get this message out!
I am reaching out to encourage your support for Senate Bill 28, Discriminatory Financial Services Practices. This bill was authored by Senator Tomes.
There are countless examples of banks and payment processors discriminating against law-abiding citizens, businesses, and industries because of activities that are legal and constitutionally protected.
Large banks including Citibank have discriminated against firearms retailers, manufacturers and other firearms-related businesses including training. A JP Morgan/Chase-owned payment processor refused service based solely on the political affiliation of a guest speaker. The North Dakota coal industry has had significant problems maintaining insurance due to Environmental Social Governance (ESG) scores.
SB 28 codifies Social Credit Scores, and allows Hoosiers to take legal action when discrimination occurs. Social Credit Scores were developed by the Chinese Communist Party to control the population. Such activity is abhorrent to freedom-loving Americans, but seen as an opportunity to eliminate dissent by those in charge of financial service providers.
I know I can count on your support of this vital legislation.
Thank you!
Your Name
NRA members and Second Amendment supporters, House Bill 1235 passed out of the Indiana House Judiciary Committee on an 8-2 vote. Please contact your State Representatives and ask them to SUPPORT House Bill 1235 by clicking the “Take Action” button below today!
House Bill 1235 does the following:
Prohibits local governments from lodging frivolous lawsuits against firearm manufacturers.
Please forward this NRA-ILA Alert to your friends and family and encourage them to also contact their State Representatives to ask them to SUPPORT House Bill 1235 today!
Legislative Update: Kelly Myers
Legislative Update:
This was one of the best weeks I’ve had at the Statehouse. Hoosier gun owners will be well-served by the bills that were up in committee this week.
First off I must say I was honored to be part of the pro-2A team that assembled to support the legislation. Guy Relford (The 2A Project,) John Weber (NRA Lobbyist,) Christopher Lee (National Shooting Sports Foundation,) and I were there to testify in support.
Wednesday in the Judiciary Committee House Bill 1235 (Prohibited causes of action concerning firearms) passed out of committee on an 8-2 vote. This bill will put an end to the 25-year-old lawsuit by the City of Gary against firearm manufacturers and retailers. It will also protect the personally identifiable information on 400,000 ATF Form 4473s that are at risk due to this lawsuit.
Thursday in the Financial Institutions Committee House Bill 1084 (Privacy of firearms financial transactions) was up for hearing and testimony. This bill will receive a vote in committee next week, but look for another win here. This bill will prevent financial institutions from creating a registry using financial transactions.
Again, I can’t express how honored I was to be part of that pro-2A team.
Hopefully, all goes well and both bills pass the House and go to the Senate. Then we start the process over again.
In Liberty,
Kelly Myers
Government Affairs Co-Director
Kelly Meyers has recently taken on the role of Co-Director of Legislative Affairs with the ISRPA and works directly with ISRPA President, Charlie Hiltunen. Kelly has been involved in Gun Rights directly since 2017 by serving in numerous roles supporting the 2nd amendment. Go here to see Kelly’s full bio…