Donate to USA Shooting’s Fundraising Drive

Donate to USA Shooting’s Fundraising Drive

Dear Members and Supporters of USA Shooting,

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with anticipation as the Olympic Trials are currently underway on the Path to Paris. The road to the Olympic and Paralympic Games is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and unwavering spirit of our athletes and the entire shooting community. As we approach this pivotal moment, I am reaching out to you with both hope and an urgent call for your support.

The Path to Paris represents the culmination of years of dreams and aspirations. Our athletes have poured countless hours into training, overcoming obstacles, and pushing their boundaries to proudly represent our nation on the global stage. They embody the values of discipline, perseverance, and excellence that make us all proud to be a part of USA Shooting.

However, this journey comes with significant financial challenges. The costs associated with training, travel, equipment, and competitions are substantial. We remain committed to equipping our athletes with the necessary resources to succeed, but we cannot achieve this alone. That is why I reach out to you today.

We are launching a fundraising drive with the immediate goal of ensuring that our athletes have the support they need to shine in Paris. Your contribution, regardless of size, will have a profound impact. It will not only provide vital financial support but also serve as a powerful symbol of your belief in our athletes and the values they embody.

I kindly request that you donate whatever you can to support USA Shooting and the Path to Paris. Your generosity will help us provide world-class coaching, state-of-the-art equipment, and the opportunities our athletes require to reach their full potential. Furthermore, I encourage you to share this appeal letter with at least five individuals who share our passion for shooting sports. By uniting as a community, we can ensure the success of our fundraising campaign and truly make a difference in the lives of our athletes.

To make a donation, please visit or send your contribution to USA Shooting, 1 Olympic Plaza #3, Colorado Springs, CO 80909. Every dollar contributes and brings us closer to our objective. Together, we can provide our athletes with the support they deserve and epitomize the true spirit of USA Shooting.

Thank you for considering this appeal, for your unwavering support, and for being an integral part of our journey. Let us join forces and create a Path to Paris that our athletes will cherish for a lifetime.

With gratitude and hope,

Craig Kozeniesky
CEO, USA Shooting