Call to Action on Constitutional Carry

Please contact Chairman Liz Brown, Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray and Legislative Assistant Kaitlyn Gomez today! (Contact information below.)
After passing in the House by an overwhelming majority of 65-31, HB 1369 still has not been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Liz Brown. The agenda for the Judiciary meeting on March 24 was released yesterday and HB 1369 is not on it. That gives us only two more dates for it to be heard – March 31 and April 7. Otherwise, the bill dies without a vote in the Senate.
For these reasons, it is critical us to contact Sen. Brown, her legislative assistant Kaitlyn Gomez and Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray and respectfully ask that HB 1369 be given a hearing in the Senate, preferably on March 31. Points to make are as follows (feel free to cut and paste):
- HB 1369 does not change who can purchase a firearm, who can carry a handgun or where guns may be carried. Those persons who are prohibited from buying a gun or receiving a handgun license today will be “prohibited persons” who may not legally purchase or possess a handgun under HB 1369. HB 1369 has no effect on any “gun free zones” that exist today.
- Constitutional Carry has now been adopted in 18 states and there is NO DATA to suggest it increases violent crime or danger to police officers on any way.
- Criminals carry handguns without any concern for licensing requirements – those requirements only create a financial and logistical obstacle for law-abiding citizens that is simply ignored by criminals.
- The right to bear arms is guaranteed to Hoosiers through the Second Amendment and Article I, Section 32 of the Indiana Constitution. Law-abiding citizens should not have to beg permission from the government in order to exercise a Constitutional right already guaranteed to them by our founding fathers.
- Passage of HB 1369 in the House by the overwhelming margin of 65-31 demonstrates the support this bill has among voters and legislators. The bill deserves a hearing and a vote in the Senate. For one committee chairman to kill it in the Senate without a vote is WRONG.
Please contact Sen. Brown, her legislative assistant, Kaitlyn Gomez and Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray today. HB 1369 deserves a hearing and a vote in the Senate!